Equipment Basics

·  A comfortable pair of hiking boots with ankle support.

·  A Small Backpack

·  Water bottle(s)

·  Rain protection

·  Sun protection

·  Pocket knife

·  Compass and whistle (why?: if you happen to get off trail and lost, a simple little whistle cuts through the sounds of nature and will bring help to you from miles away).

·  Headlamp or flashlight

·  Basic repair kit (duct tape!)

·  Basic First Aid Kit

·  Extra pair of socks

Of course bring your cell phone too, but don’t be dependent on it because, you know, the signal often fades on a trail, it runs out of power, and water kills it. 

I’ll wager that if you’re not a hiker yet, you’ll be thinking “repair kit, compass and whistle, pocket knife? Extra socks? I don’t need that stuff.” Probably not, but, in the spirit of ‘Be Prepared” go to and I’ll explain much more about why you do.